it's one of my favorite weekends in houston -- free press summerfest! here's a pretty festive shot of the flaming lips letting loose with all their colorful balloons...
like any music festival, summerfest is always a little fashion show... but once you get there you sweat your brains out and laugh at the idiots wearing leggings, skinny jeans, stilletto heels, etc.
this year i hadn't really planned what i was going to wear so i took a couple of jon's white cotton shirts and made some tie-dye tank tops with my friend andie. for the colors, i used rit dye. i only had scarlett red, royal blue and yellow on hand.. but did some guessing on mixing colors and came out with these results.
for andie's we dipped the sides vertically leaving a little biased white strip inbetween the indigo and chartreuse.
(also, thanks to andie for bringing over some starbucks vanilla scones. choice tie-dying nibbles!)
for mine, i dipped the bottom, tied off sections on the top for some starburst and
shredded the back because a: it looks totes 90's and b: it will keep me cool! breezes of all kind are welcome in 90+ degree heat.
here's the final looks after we cut them up a bit... what do you think?
but, wait! there's more... check out the summerfest posts i've written for other blogs around the internet:
pre-show tips on transportation & more at
highlights & post-show tips at